
"History Make Me Happy"

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Armed Struggle and Diplomacy in Indonesia Contemporary History

                         Armed struggle and diplomacy in Indonesia Contemporary History

           In the history of contemporary Indonesia, there are two forms of fighting strategies, namely diplomacy and armed struggle. Diplomatic struggle to walk in the direction of the armed struggle and could walk opposite. This can be seen when the period after Indonesia's independence or the revolution and the struggle for West Irian. Strategy of diplomacy and armed struggle when the revolution (war of independence), they both used to maintain the independence of the republic against the Dutch police action.
           In the context of the diplomatic struggle with the Netherlands, there are two groups that have different ideas about strategy struggle. The first group is represented by Sjahrir, who became prime minister when more emphasis and priority to diplomacy rather than armed movement. It is motivated Sjahrir view of the position of Indonesia is still very weak at that time that he was under the influence of the power of the capitalist United States and the UK, and therefore it is not wise for a young country that is still very fragile to antagonize them. Sjahrir even see that the fate of Indonesia is very dependent on the political wisdom to be taken by the imperialist powers.
       From there he took the conclusion that the only way to guarantee the independence of Indonesia is through "astute diplomacy and flexible, so that America and Britain are not invited to support the Dutch in full". How visible from holding diplomatic talks with the Dutch as Linggarjati talks and negotiations Renville. Despite the fact that these talks provide a little concession on the part of the republic, but, in the view Sjahrir and his group, it is able to guarantee the independence of Indonesia. This method is supported by the government, including the Sukarno-Hatta due consideration of the conditions at that time.
       Against this diplomatic strategy, the group reacted angrily to this strategy is the Tan Malaka. Vision revolution Tan Malaka want recognition of independence 100 percent. In other words, Tan Malaka requires total revolution, which include the expulsion of all foreign forces and reforms in the economic, political and military. Sjahrir government inaction produces favorable diplomatic revolution is one factor why many young people, army, and mass favor to the vision of Tan Malaka revolution. Here arises the phenomenon of government that prioritizes diplomacy dealing with the spirit and willpower (most of) the masses of people who are struggling to continue and enhance the armed revolution.
          In addition to diplomacy, in many emerging areas of armed revolution against the allies oppose and NICA. Events such as the revolution of 10 November 1945 (Incident Tunjungan) in Surabaya, Bandung Sea of ​​Fire, the battle field area, and Theater Ambarawa, reflecting the spirit and resistance of the people and the army-guerrilla army against the colonial army. They argued that in order to repel the invaders must be through armed struggle. This is confirmed that the government-run diplomacy seingkali provide benefits to the colonial.
           Strategy of diplomacy and armed revolution is also pursued in the struggle for West Irian. Diplomacy has been attempted since the cabinet I RI, and constantly used the program the next cabinet. It was a failure because the Dutch West Irian maintain and put into the territory of the country. This bilateral effort did not succeed in making the RI to bring the matter to the UN forum. However, these efforts also stalled because the Dutch consider the issue of West Irian just a matter of bilateral Indonesia-Netherlands. Besides West Irian struggle is also discussed in the Asian-African Conference, making Indonesia the support of the countries that attended the conference. Diplomacy pursued this failed because the Netherlands remained adamant to maintain New Guinea.
       Therefore, it held a total confrontation against the Netherlands, which in this case by an armed revolution. Operations forces to the liberation of West Irian conducted by the government of Indonesia through three phases, namely infiltration (infiltration and enter the army entered the territory of West Irian), the phase of exploitation (holding an open attack against the opponent's defense outposts) and a phase of consolidation (seat of power absolute in the West Irian). There is pressure from the United States also led the Netherlands to negotiate re-discuss the issue of West Irian. In this liberation struggle, it can be said that the diplomatic strategy work synergistically with armed revolution.

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